Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs)

Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), how to apply for a licence, how to object to a licence application, the public register of HMOs.

Object to a house in multiple occupation (HMO) licence application

Anyone can object to an HMO licence application. All applications for both new and renewal licences are listed on the public register of HMO licences.

You must make your objection in writing, within the 21-day notice period.


What to include in your objection

Please state the reason for your objection(s). These reasons will be investigated and given due consideration.

Objections will only be upheld if there is a specific reason, such as:

  • the applicant is not a fit and proper person
  • possible fire hazards
  • anti-social behaviour
  • noise nuisance

Please also include:

  • the licence application number
  • your full name
  • your address
  • your contact details

Site notices

A site notice will also be displayed at the property applying to be used as an HMO. This applies to both new applications and renewal applications.

The site notice contains details of how to make an objection.