This is your new website for Dumfries and Galloway
We are still moving the old webpages, so you may find yourself back on our old council website from time to time.
We use the letters PC to describe a Parent Council.
Constitutions tell us who, why and how to run a Parent Council.
All parent/Carers can attend all PC meetings:
Other Parent/Carers can be voted on the PC and not be an office bearer but help with ideas and time.
They can help with organising and running events.
They are listed as being on the PC.
Signatories for the PC bank account are also needed. It is recommended that 3 members of the PC are listed on the bank account.
The Secretary takes notes at the meetings and to turn them into a minute (an official record of the meeting) these are agreed as draft by the Chair and can then be shared with all parents.
The minute stays a draft until the next meeting when PC members agree or change the minutes by voting.
Minutes remind everyone to of what was discussed and the things they said they would do.
You should have a constitution in place in your school. The school or Education Department will have a copy.
Make sure your Constitution is signed by the Chairperson and dated.
One PC meeting a term is recommended. This can be in person or online or both (hybrid meeting). Some members of the PCs meet more often for
This can be a smaller group of parent/Carers who are doing the work to make an event happen or looking at a policy for the school for example. This is known as a subgroup or working group. They must report back to the main PC meeting.
Two weeks’ notice should be given for meetings and all parents and carers at the school have an open invitation to all meetings.
One Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be needed to share a report on the work of the PC for that year and include a financial statement.
Support and advice is given by the Education and Learning Directorate – contact details are below. Details are shared via your school or your PC email address.
Connect Scotland provide training sessions online all of which are free for you. To get this support register here:
If you need help to register, please call Vanessa:
Telephone: 07920528251
It is important to set up a PC email address so we can work with you and parents have a way to contact you. You can also pass this email account on to the next PC Chairperson.
Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media platforms can be used. This is decided by you.
You must let us (Education and Learning Directorate) have the correct and current contact information for your PC. Please provide this as soon as this is available so we can update contact information and on your school website.
For more information, please contact your school or visit:
Or contact: Vanessa Morris on the following email address
Connect Scotland Membership is also free for you, and they can give you support on any questions about Parent Councils. They can be contacted the following ways: