This is your new website for Dumfries and Galloway
We are still moving the old webpages, so you may find yourself back on our old council website from time to time.
We offer a Duty Planning Service which is available by telephone between 10am and 12.30pm Tuesday and Thursday only. Please call 01387 260199.
The Duty Planner will not be available outside of these times. A limited service is available and it best to contact us with your enquiry by submitting a permitted development enquiry.
A pre-booked appointment can be made with a Duty Planner. Each booking is limited to 15 minutes. To book an appointment, please:
Telephone: 01387 260199
To ensure your enquiry fits the criteria for this service, you will be asked to provide a brief summary of your enquiry along with your name, contact details and the full address of the site.
An officer will then contact you in the first instance to discuss your enquiry before an in-person appointment is arranged. A Duty Planner will not be available to be seen at the Council’s reception without a pre-arranged appointment.
Please note that this service is not suitable for project specific advice such as the likelihood of your development scheme gaining planning permission. If you require project specific advice, you should consider our formal pre-application service.
The duty service is aimed at the general public, homeowners and occupiers. It is not a service for professional agents or developers. These parties are required to apply for advice via our pre-application chargeable service.
As the advice being provided by this service is general advice and you may require assistance on more than one occasion, the Duty Planner will not usually provide their name and will refer to themselves as the Duty Planner. This ensures your call will be directed to Duty Planner if you contact the service again seeking general advice.
The Duty Planner will be able to provide informal advice on these areas.
This is not intended as a review of whether or not a scheme is permitted development but will advise on Dumfries and Galloways Council’s interpretation of the General Permitted Development Order and what can be built without the need to apply formally for planning permission. If you wish confirmation of whether a development / change of use is permitted development a more appropriate route would be to go through the pre-application advice service or submit an application for a Lawful Development Certificate. The intention is to explain how the Council interpret and apply the permitted development categories and guidance. We will not advise on individual properties but give general guidance.
This will cover whether you have provided the correct documentation to make sure that your application can be assessed and determined within relevant timescales (for householder and minor applications only). Please note that this validation check does not include a review of the content or quality of the documentation but is meant to capture whether or not the correct documentation will accompany the application. For example, have sufficient drawings been provided to enable validation? Do the drawings provide sufficient information to assess the proposal?
Including consultation, publicity and decision-making processes once an application is submitted.
If you have queries regarding a current application or appeal, you should contact the relevant case officer directly.
Including interpretation and application (Householder and Minor development only).
The Duty Planner will not:
Any planning advice provided by officers of the Council to members of the public, either verbally or in writing, in the course of their duties is offered in good faith and is based on the information and evidence provided to them at the time. Such views are the personal opinion of that officer and are not a formal decision of, nor binding on, the Council.
We will:
What can you do to help us:
Telephone: 01387 260199