Report a bonfire or smoke

Find out how to report a bonfire or smoke outside.

Outdoor burning can be dangerous. Smoke can be a nuisance and may be an offence under the Clean Air Act.

Call 999 if you see a fire that is unattended or looks dangerous.

Report a bonfire

Tell us if smoke from a bonfire or other outdoor burning is bothering you:

Call 030 33 33 3000 to report smoke

We'll ask you:

  • your name, address and a contact telephone number
  • about the address you're complaining about
  • about the type of nuisance
  • when and for how long it has been a problem
  • how the nuisance affects you

We may need to visit the premises with the bonfire or send a letter. We cannot investigate anonymous complaints because we need witness details to make an investigation.

Bonfires and burning outdoors guidance

If you have a bonfire or burn outside, follow the guidance: