Report noise

Find out how to report a noise problem.

Report noise from a business or commercial property

If you report the problem we'll let you know if it is a statutory nuisance that we can investigate. If it's not, we can advise you if there's anything else you can do.

Report commercial noise

Report domestic noise

We investigate reports of excessive domestic noise, including:

  • loud TVs
  • loud music
  • regular parties
  • electric tools used at unsociable times

How to report excessive noise

You'll need to provide:

  • your name, address and email address or telephone number
  • information about the person causing the noise, including their name if you know it
  • the address or location of the problem
  • details of the type of noise, the pattern and history of the problem

We need as much information as you can give us, to help us investigate the problem.

Report domestic noise

You can also report it by:

After your report

We'll contact you for more information and ask you to keep a record of noisy events. We may suggest mediation to resolve noise issues.

If we find the noise levels are not anti-social we can take no further action. You can consider a civil action if we're not able to help. Contact a solicitor for help with this.