Project status
The Whitesands project delivery is in accordance with the standard 9-stage process for flood schemes. The project is at stage 7: detailed design.
The council appointed Turner & Townsend to provide technical project management services, enabling access to an experienced team of flood project specialists who work on major projects across Scotland and the United Kingdom.
Our team have been working to progress this important project and we are now in a position to undertake additional ground investigation works to inform the detailed design of the project design (stage 7).
This stage of the process requires the following works to continue or commence imminently:
- appointment of a suitably qualified and experienced ground investigation contractor through a competitive tender process; the successful contractor will do additional site investigation works to complement the earlier project work (complete)
- appointment of a design consultant for the detailed design (stage 7: in progress)
- continued engagement with utility companies to confirm any required diversions and to avoid any conflicts with the proposed main construction works (stage 9)
The 9-stage process for flood schemes
Stage 1: identify the scheme.
Stage 2: data collection
Stage 3: options appraisal
Stage 4: outline design
Stage 5/6: scheme notification and statutory approvals
Stage 7: detailed design
Stage 8: enabling works
Stage 9: main construction works