Digital services

A range of digital resources, including our online library, eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines.

Online resources

Library members can use a variety of resources on our computers and some can be accessed online.

Our library service catalogue lets you reserve and renew items, and use a variety of other services. is the world's largest genealogy website. You can search your family tree using birth records, census data, burial records, obituaries and more. It can be used for free on one of our computers at any customer service centre.

#BFIReplay is a free video on demand service with thousands of digitised videos and television programmes from the collections of the #BFINationalArchive. It can be used for free on one of our computers in any library.

Access to Research gives library members free access to published academic research and journal articles. You can search the site from anywhere but you can only access full articles in one of our libraries.

Theory Test Pro is a realistic simulation of the UK driving theory test. Sign in from anywhere using your library membership number. is a study resource for preparing for the Life in the UK Test or British citizenship test. Sign in from anywhere using your library membership number.

Oxford Dictionaries can be accessed anywhere using your library membership number.

eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines

Library members can borrow a wide range of electronic books, audiobooks and magazines from our online library for free using BorrowBox. You will need to download the app on some mobile devices to use BorrowBox.

You can borrow up to 4 eBooks and 4 eAudiobooks from BorrowBox at a time. 

Use your library membership to register for BorrowBox. To sign in you'll need:

  • your library card number
  • your PIN (usually your date of birth in DDMMYYYY format)

Visit BorrowBox