About Challenge Poverty Week

The Poverty and Inequalities Partnership are supporting Challenge Poverty Week 2024, which is the annual national campaign awareness raising week led by Poverty Alliance Scotland.

Challenge Poverty Week logo
CPW2024 - Valerie White

The aims of the week are:

  • to raise a unified voice against poverty and show that we all want to live in a more just and equal Scotland
  • to build awareness of and support for solutions to poverty
  • to change the conversation around poverty and help end the stigma of living on a low income

Together with the Poverty Alliance, the Poverty and Inequalities Partnership are all coming together to produce a week-long programme of videos, downloadable information and events around 5 key themes:

  • Monday, housing
  • Tuesday, transport
  • Wednesday, adequate incomes
  • Thursday, food
  • Friday, communities and volunteers
  • Saturday, reflection
  • Sunday, reflection
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