Challenge Poverty Week 2024 - Reflection

A Scotland where we look after each other and ourselves.

Cost of living website launch

A website has been launched to help Dumfries and Galloway residents with cost-of-living increases.

The site is a one-stop shop detailing help with money and benefits, household bills, finding work, health and wellbeing as well as support for families, young people, the elderly and disabled.

It has been developed by the region's Poverty and Inequalities Partnership and will signpost people in need to information and resources that can mitigate the impact of falling income or increased bills.

Visit Cost of Living DG

DG Locator app

DGLocator was created by Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway to map useful services across the region.

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The free to download and use mobile app is available for both Apple and Andriod devices and online as a website.  It contains services that can provide support to combat cost-of-living increases and boost your mental health and wellbeing.

Download it now: