If a parent cannot care for their child, whenever possible we try to make sure the child keeps close links with family and friends.
Kinship care is where extended family or family friends provide care instead.
Kinship care includes:
- children who are 'looked-after' and are placed in a kinship care arrangement by us
- 'non looked-after' children who may be subject to a residence order
Assessments and allowances
We assess all members of the household to make sure that the child or young person is being cared for properly. We provide ongoing support and the kinship care agreement is reviewed every 6 months.
We pay a kinship care allowance at the same rate paid to foster carers minus the available child-related benefits.
Children or young people must have been placed by us and be subject to either a compulsory supervision order or a residence order.
Contact us
Contact us talk to someone about kinship care:
Telephone: 030 33 33 300
Email: kinshipcaresupport@dumgal.gov.uk