Self-directed support, direct payments and personal assistants

A guide to directing your own care and support, receiving direct payments and employing a personal assistant.

Self-directed support

If it is agreed that you need support, you then have 4 flexible options.

Arranging your own support

There are 2 ways to arrange your own support.

Option 1

You can manage the money yourself, or with assistance from others, by taking a direct payment

Option 2

This is a way to manage care where you choose how your budget is spent, but someone else manages the money. 

Get help to arrange support

There are 2 ways to get help to arrange support.

Option 3

You can ask for your support to be arranged by us and provided either directly by us or by someone else on our behalf.

Option 4

You can have a mix of all the options, allowing you to let us manage some parts of your support, while you control others.

Further information 

Contact us to ask about arranging your own support:


Self-directed support : my support, my choice: your guide to social care – Scottish Government