Have your say as a care experienced young person

Raise awareness of your experiences as a care experienced young person to influence decisions on services and the people that deliver them.

About Listen2Us

We have a project called Listen2Us which is a group of over 20 young people from across Dumfries and Galloway who want to make changes on behalf of care experienced young people.

The group volunteer their time to raise awareness of young people's experiences to the people who make decisions about services, and the people who deliver services for young people (corporate parents).

Young people from Listen2Us come together with corporate parents a few times a year to talk about what's affecting young people - these are known as Champions Board Gatherings.

A corporate parent is a collective term for the services and agencies that care for children and young people who are in care or leaving care.

Listen 2 Us - Youth Work logo


Champions Board Project

The Champions Board Project is the overarching term used to describe the engagement between care experienced young people and Senior Officers and Elected Members. This is through the targeted services delivered by council youth work services for care experienced young people aged 12 to 25 throughout Dumfries and Galloway.

The Champions Board approach to engaging with care experienced young people to have their say has been agreed for a further 5 years by Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Learn more about the Champions Board Project in the Youth Participation and Engagement Strategy 2022 to 2027

Champions Board - Youth Work logo


What care experienced means

The term 'Care experienced' means you are looked after by someone else - maybe foster carers, or in a residential home, or by a relative that's not your mum or dad. It could also be that you live with mum or dad but you have a social worker or that you are adopted. It's when other people look after you or help your mum or dad to look after you. 

Get involved

Get in touch by email, phone or text to find out more.

Email: championsboard@dumgal.gov.uk
Telephone: 01387 260243
Text: 07827 954 588