Climate emergency

Find out what we're doing to fight climate change.

What we are doing

Our departments have climate change at the heart of their activities and will consider this in all future policies and practices in line with the Council Plan 2023 to 2028.

We work in partnership with many organisations across the region and nationally to consider and develop opportunities on our journey towards net zero.

Carbon Literacy

We became a Carbon Literate council when we achieved our Carbon Literacy Bronze Award in September 2020. We were the first non-metropolitan Scottish local authority to do this. 

Carbon Literacy is:

"An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community and organisational basis."

This means that we:

  • have a clearer understanding of what causes climate change
  • have a clearer understanding of what needs to be done to address it
  • are taking immediate measures to counteract the effects of global warming

We are very proud of our achievement. Carbon Literacy training has been recognised by the United Nations.

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy 

Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES) came into force on 21 May 2022. 

LHEES are at the heart of a place based, locally led and tailored approach to heat transition. Scottish local authorities must develop a LHEES strategy and delivery plan.

These strategies will help achieve Scotland's statutory greenhouse gas emissions and fuel poverty targets.


Carbon Neutral Strategic Plan

Our Carbon Neutral Strategic Plan provides a route map to net zero. It also identifies key priorities and points of action for the council.