Prepare for emergencies

An emergency can happen at any time without notice and it might be some time before help arrives.

Home emergencies

 It is important that you and your family are prepared for emergencies at home.

Make a household emergency lifesaving plan

A household emergency lifesaving plan provides vital information that could help you during an emergency. The plan can be agreed by a family or household in advance and kept safe for use in the future. We're drafted one for you to complete and keep safe.


Make a household emergency lifesaving pack

A household emergency lifesaving pack provides vital equipment and supplies that could help you during an emergency. The pack can be prepared in advance and kept safe for use in the future. Find a waterproof container and fill it with:

  • a battery radio with spare batteries or a wind up radio
  • a battery torch, with spare batteries or a wind up torch
  • candles and matches
  • a first aid kit
  • a copy of your household emergency lifesaving plan
  • copies of important documents like birth certificates and insurance policies
  • enough emergency food for three days and a can opener
  • 2.5 litres of bottled water, per person for each day

The pack you put together should be stored in a safe place that can be easily accessed by everyone in the household. It is a good idea to regularly check expiry dates on first aid supplies and food to make sure they are not past their use-by dates.