Heritage Service

Our archives, local studies and family records tell the story of 600 years of Dumfries and Galloway's history, culture and people.


The Heritage Service promotes, preserves and provides access to historical collections and resources. This includes official archives and records of individuals, estates, businesses and organisations. We have a wealth of resources to help with family history and genealogy research. Let us help you discover the distinct local history and culture of our region.

Our services

You can visit our sites and view our collections for free.

We welcome the opportunity to give advice about using the Heritage Service resources. We can do quick catalogue searches, outline what's available and our help is free of charge for the first half hour. If you need more than 30 minutes we'll provide you with a quotation, based on a £37 per hour charge.

We can help you in several ways:

  • research; we can do research for you, or support you for an agreed period
  • family history and genealogical research: we can help you research your family tree, the history of your house, a local area, or a specific subject.
  • other research services; if you want help with something, just ask us and we'll let you know if we can help

How to request our services

  1. Email heritage@dumgal.gov.uk telling us what you'd like to research.
  2. A member of our team will be in touch to ask more details.
  3. We'll send you a personalised quote before you book any services.
  4. You confirm you're happy to pay for the service we quoted.
  5. We'll send you an invoice.
  6. We'll do the work we agreed in the quote.
  7. You'll get any documents and reports included in the quote, for example brief or detailed reports, which can be printed or digital. We may include images, certificates, and maps where relevant.

Use of laptops and cameras

You can bring a laptop but make sure it is fully charged before you come, as there may be no access to a power point.

You may use a digital camera, but staff must check there is risk to any documents you want to photograph. We charge £22 for a digital licence for camera use and you must sign a declaration form to confirm that you are not photographing items for a commercial purpose or for publication.  Most documents in the archive are protected by copyright, but it is your responsibility to make sure you are not breaking copyright law by photographing any items. No flash photography is allowed.

Service fees

Professional research or support, £37 per hour

Research services and supported visits taking longer than 30 minutes can be provided by our heritage officer, team leader or researchers, relating to complex enquiries, virtual services and genealogical research.

Digitised images, £22 per appointment

Helping customers take photos of heritage resources in our collections for personal use. Requires the completion of a copyright declaration form. Heritage appointments are 3 hours minimum, which would allow photos to be taken during the supervised appointment.

Vehicle registration extract, £27 per vehicle record

We'll provide a certified extract from local vehicle registers, covering 1903 to 1975, which will allow customers to re-register original number plates with the DVLA.

Heritage information presentation, free

Talks delivered about the Heritage Service collections and services.

Heritage presentations, £37 per hour, per project

Talks delivered on bespoke topics by professional Heritage Service team members. We charge for preparation and presentation time.

Commercial customers

We offer a range of services for commercial customers. Contact us for a quotation.