Online catalogues and resources
Our catalogues and resources are all free to access.
- library catalogue, with local history materials including books, photographs and pamphlets
- archive catalogue, with archive collections and records
- newspaper indexes, with current and historical news articles from 1999 to 2013
- View Dumfries and Galloway, a photograph collection with 15,000 images from around the region
Crichton Royal Hospital
Records of Crichton Royal Hospital, with records of The Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, initially called Crichton Institution for Lunatics, which opened on 3 June 1839. It gained its royal title in 1840.
The Wellcome Trust has digitised and made freely available the majority of records relating to the Crichton Royal Hospital, including:
- records relating to the founding of the hospital, 1823 to 1859
- management, 1839 to 1972
- administration, 1858 to 2008
- financial records, 1873 to 1986
- patient records, 1838 to around 1999
- staff records, 1843 to 2005
- recreation and occupation, 1842 to 2000
- photographic material, 1873 to 2005
- prints, engravings and drawings, 1892 to 2002
- associated published material, 1840 to 2007
Historical indexes
Friends of the Archives Dumfries and Galloway have transcribed and indexed historical records, including:
- 1851 census
- Chamberlain accounts, 1793 to 1801
- Dean of Guild plans for the burghs of Dumfries
- Lockerbie and Moffat, jail books, 1714 to 1810 is the world's largest genealogy website, where you can search your family tree using birth records, census data, burial records, obituaries and more. To book a computer for free access:
- visit any customer service centre
- telephone 01387 260196