Enrolment for Infant Beginners
Children in Scotland usually start school between the ages of 4 years 6 months and 5 years 6 months old. All children who are 4 years old at the start of the school year can defer and start primary one the following year.
Parents are asked to attend their catchment school to request a place at either their catchment school or to request a place at a non-catchment school for their child(ren). Parents are required to bring along proof of address and the child’s date of birth and baptismal certificate/supporting letter (for Roman Catholic schools only), between Monday 27 January 2025 and Friday 31 January 2025.
Details of catchment schools can be found on this website at https://www.dumfriesandgalloway.gov.uk/schools-learning/schools/primary-schools/find-primary-school.
Enrolment by the appropriate date is particularly important in light of the legislation regarding parents' choice of school to be attended.
Further information regarding the enrolment process can be obtained from your catchment primary school and on this website.
Enrolment for S1 August 2025
Your child’s primary school will send out a catchment enrolment form to apply for your catchment secondary school, this is done in January. If you wish to apply for a non-catchment secondary school, please contact your primary school office. As your child’s primary school have seen your child’s birth certificate this is not required for S1 enrolment. If your child is baptised Roman Catholic and you wish them to attend the Catholic Secondary School, please provide evidence of Baptism to your current school office as this entitles them as a catchment pupil.