Care home directory

Directory of local residential and nursing care homes, including Care Inspectorate reports and contact details.

Residential and nursing care homes provide 24-hour care when you are no longer able to manage at home. Our care home directory lists care homes in the local area. 

Care Inspectorate reports

Each care home also has a Care Inspectorate report, detailing when it was last inspected and its rating.

Search Care Inspectorate reports

Merse House

A care home in Kirkcudbright, for up to 32 residents.


A care home in Sanquhar, offering care for up to 42 residents, including dementia care.

Senwick House

A care home in Borgue, Kirkcudbright, providing 24-hour care for up to 17 residents.

Trinity House

Care services in Lockerbie for up to 19 adults with a learning disability, with a maximum of 13 residents in Trinity House and a maximum of 6 residents in Trinity Lodge.