Approved care providers directory

Directory of approved organisations providing personal care services at home.

You may want (or need) to receive care at home support because:

  • you're frail
  • have severe learning disabilities
  • have mental health needs
  • have a physical disability

If so, one alternative is to pay for a home care provider. There are lots of things to consider when you're choosing a care provider such as location, contracts and fees, availability and services. You should:


A Scottish charity providing services for a range of people, including adults and children with physical and learning disabilities and carers of all ages.

Rainbow Services

Care and support to adults at all stages in their lives to give them choice and freedom.

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland

Social care services in Scotland, providing personalised, high-quality community-based support services for those who require support in their lives.

Scottish Autism

Offering a range of services, including an autism advice line and services for children, young people and adults.

Social Care Alba

A personalised package of support for people with a range of needs.

Stewartry Care

Personalised flexible care and support across the region enabling people to remain in their homes and community, including Dumfries, Dalbeattie, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbright and surrounding areas.

Stranraer Skills Station

Support with bathing, dressing, meal preparation, medication, overnight support, and light household duties within your own home in the Stranraer area.

Voyage Care

Care and support for people with learning and physical disabilities, brain injuries, autism and complex needs across Scotland.