Before you submit a referral

The criteria for when to make a referral and getting consent from the young person.

Referrals should be completed with the young person's consent.

All potential requests for assistance from other agencies and partners must let the school know before submitting a referral for a young person to our service.

Young people referring themselves

Young people may approach the service directly. This can be done through other projects delivered by the Youth Work Service across Dumfries and Galloway or through other statutory or voluntary services such as Social Work, Youth Justice or third sector organisations.

When to submit a referral

You should make a referral if you have concerns surrounding the young person's wellbeing, including mental and emotional health. This could be because the young person is:

  • considered vulnerable (using our professional judgement)
  • at risk of offending
  • struggling with a loss, bereavement or significant change
  • struggling with low self-esteem or confidence

If a young person does not meet the criteria, this will be discussed with the professional or person who made the initial referral.