Report a stray dog
Contact us to report a stray dog:
telephone: 030 33 33 3000
To investigate your report it will help if you can tell us some things about the dog:
- where it is
- the size and colour
- the breed or type
- if it has a collar
Dogs in public places must wear a collar with an identification tag that shows the name and address of its owner. All dogs must have a microchip implanted, with the owner's details recorded, by the time it's 8 weeks old.
If you give or sell your dog to another owner, it is your legal duty to contact the chip registration company to change the ownership details. The new owner must check this has been done before taking the dog.
We scan stray and out of control dogs to find the microchip. If we can't reunite them with their owner, we take them to a council kennel.
If a stray dog does not have a microchip, it remains in the council kennel until the owner claims it back.
We'll also charge owners for keeping the dog in a kennel.
Stray dog control fees
- statutory stray fee: £25
- transportation to kennel fee: £57
- daily kennel fee: £18
We'll also add any vet fees.
How to get your dog back
Contact us to find out how to get your dog back if you think we have it:
telephone: 030 33 33 3000
You'll have to pay any fees we've charged you for your dog.
We keep dogs for up to 7 days. After this the dog will be rehomed.