Community sentences
For more on community sentencing and what it involves, go to community sentencing – Scottish Government.
Bail supervision
Bail supervision is an alternative to being remanded in custody. It is designed to reduce the risk of offending while on bail.
Bail supervision services work to prevent unnecessary custodial remands and re-offending on bail by providing:
- supervision
- monitoring
- support, including tagging in some areas
These services provide courts with an effective alternative to remand. It allows people to remain in the community and continue having access to services.
If bail supervision is granted
If bail supervision is granted, the accused will sign a bail supervision agreement. They must conform to the conditions of bail until they are removed by the Sheriff.
Bail conditions must be strictly followed. Conditions will include regularly meeting with us and sometimes other services. Appointments can be up to 3 times per week, and consist of office appointments, telephone appointments and home visits.
Failure to comply with the conditions of bail (and the signed agreement) will result in breach of bail proceedings.
Community Payback Orders
Unpaid work (and other activities) can be imposed as part of a Community Payback Order. The number of hours can range from:
- 20 to 100 hours (level 1)
- 101 to 300 hours (level 2)
Unpaid work bases:
We have 5 unpaid work bases:
- Annan – open 6 days per week (Monday to Thursday, Saturday and Sunday)
- Dumfries – open 7 days per week
- Castle Douglas – open 2 days per week (Friday and Saturday)
- Newton Stewart – open 2 days per week (Friday and Saturday)
- Stranraer – open 6 days per week (Monday to Thursday, Saturday and Sunday)
Submit an unpaid work request form
If you are a charitable organisation, a community or voluntary group, or an individual with a project that you think unpaid work could support, please submit a request form.
Please confirm:
- that this work will benefit the local community
- that this work will not take any paid work away from others
- that the work undertaken will not replace Dumfries and Galloway Council, private or voluntary organisation core business
- you are unable to complete the work on your own