How to volunteer with us

How to express an interest in a role, the different types of roles and what to expect.

What you'll be provided with

You'll get:

  • a t-shirt and hoodie
  • support from the development worker of the area you volunteer in - you'll also have check ins and supervision from the volunteer coordinator
  • an invite to our annual Dumfries and Galloway Youth Awards

Job and education references

The development worker of the group you are volunteering in will happily provide you with a reference for a job application or college application.

If you can no longer want to volunteer with us

You are under no obligation to keep volunteering if you don’t like it or you have to take a step back for whatever reason. It is always worth talking to somebody before stopping to see if there is anything we can do to support you. We value your time and will work with you to make sure there's a smooth transition.

If you want to leave a role, then contact us.